Jabronis Only
An Always Sunny Podcast
3 years ago

Frank's Back in Business

Brian Lefevre v The Warthog

In this show we talk about Frank's Back in Business another total humdinger of an episode from the gang.

As always we pick our favourite scenes and lines, decide if there's anything icky, if we have any nits to pick and decide who won the episode.

We also discuss boring postcards, the best schools in Mirfield v the best underground systems in the world and why you should visit Lisbon. Especially if you a drug tourist.

Remember: It's always a good idea to go and watch the episode we're talking about before listening to the show. You'll then be able to see if you agree with our choices etc. But hey, if you a Sunny fan you'll still get loads out of it, ya Jabronis.

Find out more at https://jabronis-only.pinecast.co

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